Розробки уроків

Тема:   Наука і технічний прогрес. Вдосконалення навичок     аудіювання.

Цілі: вдосконалювати та систематизувати уміння учнів висловлюватися по темі «Наука і технічний прогрес»; активізувати лексику в мовленні та на письмі на рівні фразової єдності; сприяти розвитку уміння розповідати про перші та сучасні технічні пристрої;розуміти на слух текст про впровадження системи Інтернет в Африканських країнах; розширювати знання учнів про розвиток науки шляхом ознайомлення з тематичними цитатами та висловами.

§ Ключові компетентності:
«Здоров’я і безпека» формувати потребу дотримуватися здорового способу життя; обговорювати вплив Інтернету на розвиток особистості;
«Підприємливість і фінансова грамотність» навчати учнів демонструвати розуміння цінності праці та працьовитості для досягнення добробуту;
«Громадянська відповідальність» формувати вміння співпрацювати з іншими на результат, спілкуючись іноземною мовою, дотримуватися в спілкуванні толерантності.

§ Очікуванні результати:
Називати технічні пристрої, класифікувати винаходи за групами їх походження, поєднувати слова у фразові  єдності; висловлювати свою думку з приводу впливу технічного прогресу на розвиток особистості; використовуючи пасивний стан дієслова у відповідних граматичних структурах.
Обладнання: мультимедійна презентація-супровід уроку, цитати та вислови по темі, хмари слів, лексичні картки, робочі аркуші із завданнями, відео-та-аудіо матеріали.

                                            Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
   1.1.Організація учнів до уроку. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
- The topic of our today’s lesson is “An exciting world of science”. So you’ll learn a lot of useful information about achievements of scientists from different countries. You’ll also have plenty of practice in reading, writing, speaking and listening. I believe you'll enjoy the subject of our today's lesson. We'll talk about great inventions named after their creators. We'll talk about computers and the Internet, these wonderful inventions of human talent which opens the magic world before us. We'll dwell upon science in general and on its negative and positive influence on people's lives.
  1.2. Мовленнєва розминка.
a) Match the sciences with their definitions:
 b) Робота з висловами.
Finish the quotations and sayings of famous people:
1) Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration. (T. Edison)
2) You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself. (Galileo)
3) It is better to understand a little, than to misunderstand a lot.
4) Wonders are many and nothing is more wonderful than man. (Sophocles)
5) We know what we are but we know not what we may be. (Shakespeare)
6) Imagination is more important than knowledge. (A. Einstein) 
7) Men learn while they teach.
8) Train hard, fight easy.
9)  Necessity is the mother of invention.
 The motto of our lesson is: “Necessity is the mother of invention.”
- How do you understand this proverb? (If someone really needs to do something, they will find a way of doing it)
- Nowadays we can even say that “Comfort is the mother of invention” because various inventions in electronics transport etc. make our life easier and more comfortable.

c) Відповіді на запитання.
·       What modern inventions do you have at home?
·       What is the most useful thing for your mother?
·       Which device can’t you do without?
·       What thing can’t your father live without?
·       What gadget do you use every day?
II. Основна частина.        
2.1. Активізація лексичного матеріалу.
a) Match the early devices with the modern devices we use today.
1)  Adding machine                                 
2)  Telegraph                                             
3)  Crystal radio                                        
4)  Gramophone                                       
5)  Typewriter                                             
6)  Cine camera                                          
7)  Video game                                           
8)  Instamatic camera                            
a- CD player                                                 b-  camcorder
c- calculator
d-digital camera
e- telephone
f- games console
g- DAB radio
h- word processor
9)   Keys:    1-c, 2-e, 3-g, 4-a, 5-h,6-d,7-f, 8-b

b) Complete the sentences using these words:
1.    My grandparents still listen to music on an old ______________, which is about 80 years old.
2.    Can someone pick up the ___________, please? It’s ringing.
3.    “What’s that old device?” “It’s a _____________. People used it to send messages over long distances.”
4.    My mum hates technology. She doesn’t switch on a ________________ to type a letter. She uses an old ______________.
5.    Sara couldn’t add up the numbers in her head so she used a ______________.
6.    Martin! Turn down your ______________! How can you listen to such loud music while you are doing your homework?
7.    My parents got married in the 1950s. Someone had a ____________ ____and filmed the wedding.
8.    My brother spends hours playing video games on his ________________.
“Look at those people surfing!” “Quick! Switch on the ______________ and record them!” 
T: Dear friends! Times change and we change with the time. Everything that surrounds us is unique. New inventions make our life easier and more comfortable. Today we are going to continue our talk about inventors and the role of science in our life. So, let’s remind the names of great scientists.
 c) “Microphone”
P1: Isaac Newton was a great English scientist. He invented a mirror telescope.
P2: Yevhen Paton was an outstanding Ukrainian constructor and a scientist.
Р3: As far as I know Alexander Heming discovered penicillin. He was born in Scotland.
P4: As for me I can't help mentioning the brilliant physicist Albert Einstein. He was born in Germany but in 1940 he became an American citizen.
P5, P6….
Т.: You are quite right! They were outstanding persons. We can continue the list of well-known scientists endlessly but let's have a talk about those who gave their names to their inventions. Let's start our work.
2.2 Хмари слів.     Визначення.
Relaxation: - Let’s have a rest and sing a song about one imaginative invention of “The Beatles”– “Yellow Submarine”.
 2.3. Розвиток навичок аудіювання.
 a)  Pre-listening activities.
Look at the screen and make phrases:
b) Listening: The digital revolution.
Video 1- Answer the questions.
Video 2- True or false.
 2.3.Розвиток навичок усного мовлення. Презентація повідомлень учнів.
-What have you learnt from these videos?

7. Group Work

Т.: So we see the progress of science and technology has its advantages and disadvantages. It's influence on civilization on the hand is positive and on the other hand it is negative. Let's make the list of good and bad influence of science and technology. Share your opinion with the class.
The Influence of Science and Technology
Make life easier, quicker.
Influence your health (eyestrain,

lack of movement).
Make life warmer, give you free

Separate you from nature.
Entertain you.
Lead you away from nature.
Substitute people, do work
Make you live in virtual world.

In some cases take all your time.
Can solve the most difficult

Make you busy.

You don't notice other people.

III. Заключна частина.
      3.1. Домашнє завдання.
Т.: Today we've had a special lesson devoted to outstanding inventions and their outstanding inventors. We also have touched upon negative influence of science and progress. No doubt great achievements of science make our life more comfortable. But don't forget about beautiful world of nature around you. Enjoy nature! Enjoy science! Enjoy love!
I want to finish our lesson with Sophocles’ words: “Wonders are many and nothing is more wonderful than a man”.

Homework:  Write a composition “Modern Inventions at My Home”

3.2. Підсумок уроку.
- And now I want to know what you think about our today’s lesson. Was it useful? Did you feel comfortable? Did you like it?
- Your marks are…                                


Клас:   5
Тема:Шкільне життя.Повторення вивченого матеріалу.
Мета:узагальнити знання учнів по темі;тренувати їх у спілкуванні про школу,шкільні    
предмети; повторитикількісні та порядковічислівники та частинимови;вчити
описувати пору року-осінь та погоду;вдосконалюватинавичкичитання,аудіювання,
говоріння та письма;сприятирозвиткупам'яті,мислення,уваги,уяви;прищеплювати
любов до школи та інтерес до вивченняангліськоїмови.

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, лексика по темі“Шкільнежиття”,вислови,
 лексика по темі Autumn, числівники,тематичні малюнки,картки,аудіо
Хід уроку.
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
1.1  Привітання.
1.2  Бесіда з черговими.
1.3  Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T.: The topic of our lesson is “School life”.

ІІ. Основна частина.
2.1   Фонетична зарядка.
·  повторення типів та правил читання
2.2   Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.
- Бесіда про погоду.
       - Лексична зарядка по темі «Погода».
- Розповідь про осінь.
“Itisautumnnow. September, October and November are autumn months. It is October now. October is the second autumn month. The weather is … today. It is … and … today.”
2.3  Перевірка д. з.
2.4Розвиток навичок читання
        а)повторення лексики до теми“Шкільнежиття”(картки №4,5,6,7,8)
Ex3.p.42(прочитай та вгадайназвушкільного предмету)
2.5 Узагальнення граматичного матеріалу.
      а)повторення числівника(картка №2,3)
б) Ex.2.p.42(matching)
2.6  Фізкультхвилинка (The Ink is black,the page is white.Діти співають пісню у записі
Та виконують фізичні рухи.)                                                                                  
2.7    Розвиток навиків письма
      а)картка №11(повтореннячастинмови)
        в)інд.картки №12
2.8Розвиток навиків аудіювання.
Ex 3, p.38(учні слухають текст у записі та вставляють пропущені фрази)
2.9   Розвиток навиків діологічного мовлення.
        а) How many subjects have you got?
           - Who is your favourite teacher?
- What is your favourite  subject?
            -What are you good at?
            - What are you bad at?
           -How many pupils are there in your class?

  -Do you speak English with other people?
            -Do you like to make projects?

б)Ex.4.p.43(постав запитання та дай на них відповідь)
2.10 Гра  “Spider-game”(картки №9,10)
The ways to  learn English
-on the Internet
          -at school
          -watching English films
          -at home using a book
          -talking to people in English
2.11Цікавинка.Do you know that there are 26 letters in the English alphabet.But in the Chineeze
alphabetthere are hundreds of little pictures. They are difficult to learn.                                                               

ІІІ.  Підсумок уроку.
Д. з.  Ex. 5, p.43(написатикороткеповідомлення про шкільнежиття,вмітирозповідати)

НО 1
It is autumn now. September, October and November are autumn months. Itis October now. October is the second autumn month. The weather is …today. It is … and … today.

It is autumn now. September, October and November are autumn months. Itis October now. October is the second autumn month. The weather is …today. It is … and … today.
It is autumn now. September, October and November are autumn months. Itis October now. October is the second autumn month. The weather is …today. It is … and … today.

It is autumn now. September, October and November are autumn months. Itis October now. October is the second autumn month. The weather is …today. It is … and … today.

It is autumn now. September, October and November are autumn months. Itis October now. October is the second autumn month. The weather is …today. It is … and … today.

It is autumn now. September, October and November are autumn months. Itis October now. October is the second autumn month. The weather is …today. It is … and … today.

It is autumn now. September, October and November are autumn months. Itis October now. October is the second autumn month. The weather is …today. It is … and … today.

It is autumn now. September, October and November are autumn months. Itis October now. October is the second autumn month. The weather is …today. It is … and … today.

It is autumn now. September, October and November are autumn months. Itis October now. October is the second autumn month. The weather is …today. It is … and … today.

It is autumn now. September, October and November are autumn months. Itis October now. October is the second autumn month. The weather is …today. It is … and … today.

НО 2

O o
[ou] – no, bone
[] – on, not
[ə] – doctor,
[:] – or, fork

more, form

Вчитель:    Ольхович І. А. ЗШ № 5 ВМР  
                             7 клас
Topic:   Sports and Games.
За підручником О. Д. Карпюк 2015

Objectives: to develop student's speaking reading and writing skills on the topic;  to develop students creative thinking; to practice student's communicative skills in pair and group work, to propose a healthy way of life.
Equipment: cards, pictures, mind-map, text-book, video,song, poem,presentation Pp.
Motto of the lesson:  “A sound mind in a sound body”


Ι. Greeting.
   Good morning, students. I am so happy to see you. How are you today? Do you like today’s weather? OK, I’m glad to see you here in good health and mood.
     ΙΙ.   Introduction.
   The topic of our today’s lesson is “Sport and Games”. The motto of our lesson is “A sound mind-in a sound body”.
And we know that sport makes us beautiful, strong  
    and healthy.
1.  Brainstorming “Microphone”. Your homework was to make up some questions on the topic. Pupil 1,2,3....
2.   Answer my questions.
      Do many people go in for sport in our country?
      Are there many stadiums, swimming pools, basketball courts and skating- rinks in Ukraine?
      What sports do our people go in for?
      Do you go in for sports at our school?
      What sport do you go in for in winter (summer)?
      What table games do you play?

ΙV. Main part of the lesson.
1. Mind-map
Look at the blackboard, there you have a mind-map to the topic “Sport and Games”. Let’s say with what words does sport associates.
Pupils tell about “Sport and Games” using a mind-map.

Winter sports   indoor games         outdoor games        Olympic Games

table games             Sport and Games          trainers

summer sports                                                           sportsmen

stadiums                        sport competitions
swimming pools
basketball courts
sports grounds

2.  Is it true or false?
1.   Tennis court is the place where you play tennis.
2.    Referee is the person who controls e.g. a football match.
3.   Athletics track is the place where you ski.
4.   A captain is the person who is a leader of a team.
5.   Lilia Podkopaieva is a well known figure-skater.
6.   The Gold fish of Ukraine is Yana Klochkova.
7.   Baseball is the typical American game .
8.  Golf        is played on ice fields.

T:  Now let’s speak about your attitude to sports.
Pupil 1.
I think it is very important to go in for sports. You may go in for sports what you like. We know that sport makes people healthy and strong. Sport and physical exercises help us to keep fit and healthy. And I think everyone must do all he or she can in order to be healthy and to develop a strong character. Of course it is hard to become a famous sportsman. You have to train a lot. You must spend many hours a day in the gym or at the stadium. To tell the truth, I am not a good sportsman, because I don’t train much. You know I live far from school and every day I walk about 3 km.(I mean the way to school and home).It’s a good training. So I like track-and field events.
Pupil 2.
As for me my favorite kind of sport is swimming. I think swimming is a wonderful sport. It’s a pity, but we have no swimming pool in our village. So we can swim in summer. It is great to swim in a hot weather. Swimming makes us strong and healthy. When we swim, we feel fresh and ready for work. Swimming is a good exercise for everyone. It’s popular with people of different ages. I started swimming 3 years ago. Now I can swim well.
Pupil 3.
I think skating is a wonderful sport. We can skate in winter. We can skate at the skating-rink or on the pond. Skating makes us strong and healthy. When we skate we feel fresh. Skating is a good exercise for everyone. It is popular with grown-ups and children. I started skating when I was in the 5th form. If you can skate you can play hockey. And I think that hokey is a game for a real man.
Pupil 4.
And I think running is a wonderful sport. We can run all the year round we can run everywhere: in a yard, in a park, in a sports ground or at the stadium. We can jogging in the morning and in the evening. Running makes us strong and healthy. When we run in the open air it is useful for us. Running is a good exercise for everyone. It’s popular with people of different ages.  I train with my friend in the morning. It’s fun.
Pupil 5.
As for me I like to play tennis. If you want to be a good tennis player you must play it every day. We play table tennis at our school. Playing tennis needs mobility, liveliness and much energy. It keeps a person in a good form. It is very popular among our pupils. It is an indoor game and we can play it in any season and weather. I shall take part in a tennis competition.

Pupil 6.
     As you can see if you want to be healthy, strong and beautiful, you should go in for sports. When I go in for sports, I feel wonderful I don’t sneeze or cough. I am cheerful, active and full of energy.

V. Listening
T: Thank you for your points of view
  Let’s listen to the dialogue about sport and Olympic Games.
P-   As you know many people go in for sport in our country.
P2 -  Right you are. There are many sports grounds, stadiums, swimming pools, basketball courts and skating-rinks in Ukraine. Well, and people go in for running, jumping,swimming,skating,skiing,boxing,figure-skating,gymnastics, wrestling, fencing, tennis, volley-ball, basketball, hockey, chess, draughts, ski-jumping, youghting, horse-racing, etc. and do you go in for sport at your school?
          P1   -  Of course, we do. We go in for winter and summer sport. In summer we run, jump, swim, play football, volley-ball and basketball. In winter we ski, skate, the boys play hockey. Children play snowballs. And do you like to play table games?
         P2   -  Certainly, we do. We play chess, draughts and tennis. Tennis is very popular in our school. There is a tennis table in the corridor and my friend play tennis every day during the breaks. And what is your favorite kind of sport?
       P1   -  To tell the truth I am not a great sportsman, but I like to play....
And do you to watch sports competitions.
        P2    -   Oh, yes I do. Especially I like to watch figure-skating. I like to watch European and the world's championships. The name of Oksana Baiul, Victor Petrenko,  Ruslan Honcharov and Olena Hrushina are known in the world. And what Ukrainian sportsmen do you know?
       P1     -   Just a moment. Well. I know such Ukrainian sportsmen.... And what do you know about Olympic Games?
      P2    -  What do you mean?
      P1    -  Well, the history of the Olympic Games.
       P2      -  Oh, I know that the Olympic Games have a long history. They began more than two thousand years ago in Greece.
  P1      -   I can add that there are summer and winter Olympic Games now.
Do you know the symbols of the Olympic Games?
  P2       -   Oh, yes, I do. The five Olympic rings are  the symbols of the unity of five continents; they are: red, yellow, blue, green and black. Which cities were the Olympic capitals?
      P1      -   As far as I remember they were: Anther, Paris, London, Helsinki, Rome, Tokyo, Mexico, Moscow,  Peking… Do our sportsmen take part in the Olympic Games?
       P2   -   Of course they do. Where did the last summer Olympic Games take place?
They took place in Peking, China. And our sportsmen received 7 gold, 5 silver and 15 bronze medals. We must remember the names of our sportsmen.
 P1    -  Thank you for your interesting information.
     P2   -  Oh, you are welcome.
     P1   -  O'k! Bye!
     P2   -  Bye!

Pupil 7.
And I want to add that the last winter Olympic Games were opened in _
    on the “_ ” of_____ 20_________ . Ukrainian sportsmen took part in
them. They showed good results. It is a pity, but our sportsmen did not receive any medals. They received_ gold medals_ silver and_ bronze medals.
VI. Group-work.
T. Now we’ll work in groups.
Let's discuss:
a)   the most important sports events at your school;
b)    the last football match of our boys;
c) sports activities at your school.

VII. Grammar:    the verbs ( play, go, do) with the names of sports
Ex. 3 p.93 ( group up these sports into 3 columns)
VIII. Reading:   
Ex. 2 p.93 -94 (The Olympic Games)
Ex. 1 p.93 (answer the questions)
ΙX. Summarizing.
Now we ‘ll sum up our discussion.  If we want to be strong and healthy we must go in for sport and remember the proverb “A sound mind-in a sound body”.
 Ex 3.  p.95-96 (read and translate)
 Ex 4.  p.97 (correct wrong sentences)
Dear pupils, your answers were brilliant today; you’d coped with all your tasks.    
 Our lesson's coming to the end and it’s time to announce  your marks.

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